OCLC Xref Processing

flowchart LR A[Alma] B[SFTP folder] C[Alma Webhook in LIT K8s] D[Argo Events Webhook?] E[dedup.py script] F[OCLC SFTP] G[Argo Events SFTP Listener] H[xref_processor.py] A -->|Run publishing Job. Sends files to| B A --> |Sends message to| C C --> |Forwards message to| D E --> |Listen for finished publishing job| D E --> |pull published metadata| B E --> |dedups and renames files and puts it in| F G --> |listen for new files| F G --> |Forward SFTP Events| D H --> |listens for oclc sftp file changes| D H --> |Get xref report| F H --> |updates some metadata| A H --> |generates| Report