Update Ingested Items
This is how the perl/bash script currently works, not how it should work.
How to figure out the barcode
is thebarcode
the barcode is everything aftermdp.
flowchart TD
A[Get list of HT items that<br>have been updated since yesterday] --> B(Iterate over each<br>HT item)
B --> C[Get Namespace and Barcode]
C -->D(Ask Alma about barcode)
D --> E{Was barcode</br>found in Alma?}
E -- Yes --> F{Does item<br>have item call number<br>that matches htid?}
E -- No --> G(Increase barcode_not_found counter<br> Go to next item)
F -- No --> I{Does item<br>have item call number<br>that differs from htid?}
F -- Yes --> H[Increase no_upd counter;<br>Go to next item]
I -- Yes --> J[Print Mismatch]
I -- No --> K[Update Item]
J --> K
K --> L{Success?}
L -- Yes --> M[Increase update_cnt counter;<br>Go to next item]
L -- No --> N[Print error; Go to Next item]