aim.digifeeds.database.main module

Fast API Main

The main document for Fast API

aim.digifeeds.database.main.create_item(barcode: str = Path(PydanticUndefined), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Create a digifeeds item.

The item can be created with the barcode of the item and must not already exist.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_item(barcode: str = Path(PydanticUndefined), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Get a digifeeds item.

The item can be fetched by the barcode of the item.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_items(in_zephir: bool | None = Query(None), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) list[Item][source]

Get the digifeeds items.

These items can be filtered by whether or not their metadata is in Zephir or all of them can be fetched.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_statuses(db: Session = Depends(get_db)) list[Status][source]

Get digifeeds statuses.

Get a list of statuses.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.update_item(barcode: str, status_name: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Update a digifeeds item.

This is how to add a status to an existing item.