aim.digifeeds.database.main module

Fast API Main

The main document for Fast API

aim.digifeeds.database.main.create_item(barcode: str = Path(PydanticUndefined), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Create a digifeeds item.

The item can be created with the barcode of the item and must not already exist.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.delete_item(barcode: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]
aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_item(barcode: str = Path(PydanticUndefined), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Get a digifeeds item.

The item can be fetched by the barcode of the item.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_items(offset: int = Query(0), limit: int = Query(50), filter: ItemFilters = Query(None), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) PageOfItems[source]

Get the digifeeds items.

These items can be filtered by whether or not their metadata is in Zephir, whether or not they are pending deletion, if they are not in alma, or all of them can be fetched.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.get_statuses(db: Session = Depends(get_db)) list[Status][source]

Get digifeeds statuses.

Get a list of statuses.

aim.digifeeds.database.main.update_item(barcode: str, status_name: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)) Item[source]

Update a digifeeds item.

This is how to add a status to an existing item.