Source code for aim.cli.hathifiles

import typer
from aim.hathifiles import poll
from import S

app = typer.Typer()

[docs] @app.command() def create_store_file(): f""" Genereates a new store file at {S.hathifiles_store_path} if one does not already exist. The new file is based on the latest hathi_files_list.json from """ poll.create_store_file()
[docs] @app.command() def check_for_new_update_files(): """ Pulls the latest hathi_files_list.json from and checks if there are any update files that aren't in the store. If there are new files it notifies the argo events webhook and replaces the store file with the old files and the new ones. """ poll.check_for_new_update_files()