Source code for aim.digifeeds.database.main

"""Fast API Main
The main document for Fast API

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, Path, Query
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, sessionmaker
from aim.digifeeds.database import crud, schemas
from aim.digifeeds.database.crud import NotFoundError, AlreadyExistsError
from import S

# This is here so SessionLocal won't have a problem in tests in github
if S.ci_on:  # pragma: no cover
    engine = create_engine(S.test_database)
else:  # pragma: no cover
    engine = create_engine(S.mysql_database, pool_pre_ping=True)

SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)

description = """
The Digifeeds API enables tracking of images sent to HathiTrust and Google
through the digifeeds workflow
tags_metadata = [
        "name": "Digifeeds Database",
        "description": "Digifeeds items and statuses.",
app = FastAPI(title="Digifeeds", description=description)

# Dependency
[docs] def get_db(): # pragma: no cover db = SessionLocal() try: yield db finally: db.close()
[docs] @app.get("/items/", response_model_by_alias=False, tags=["Digifeeds Database"]) def get_items( offset: int = Query(0, ge=0, description="Requested offset from the list of pages"), limit: int = Query(50, ge=1, description="Requested number of items per page"), filter: schemas.ItemFilters = Query( None, description="Filters on the items in the database" ), db: Session = Depends(get_db), ) -> schemas.PageOfItems: # list[schemas.Item]: """ Get the digifeeds items. These items can be filtered by whether or not their metadata is in Zephir, whether or not they are pending deletion, if they are not in alma, or all of them can be fetched. """ db_items = crud.get_items(filter=filter, db=db, offset=offset, limit=limit) return { "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "total": crud.get_items_total(filter=filter, db=db), "items": db_items, }
[docs] @app.get( "/items/{barcode}", response_model_by_alias=False, responses={ 404: { "description": "Bad request: The item doesn't exist", "model": schemas.Response404, } }, tags=["Digifeeds Database"], ) def get_item( barcode: str = Path(..., description="The barcode of the item"), db: Session = Depends(get_db), ) -> schemas.Item: """ Get a digifeeds item. The item can be fetched by the barcode of the item. """ try: db_item = crud.get_item(barcode=barcode, db=db) except NotFoundError: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found") return db_item
[docs] "/items/{barcode}", response_model_by_alias=False, responses={ 400: { "description": "Bad request: The item already exists", "model": schemas.Response400, } }, tags=["Digifeeds Database"], ) def create_item( barcode: str = Path(..., description="The barcode of the item"), db: Session = Depends(get_db), ) -> schemas.Item: """ Create a digifeeds item. The item can be created with the barcode of the item and must not already exist. """ item = schemas.ItemCreate(barcode=barcode) try: db_item = crud.add_item(item=item, db=db) except AlreadyExistsError: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Item already exists") else: return db_item
desc_put_404 = """ Bad request: The item or status doesn't exist<br><br> Possible reponses: <ul> <li>Item not found</li> <li>Status not found</li> </ul> """
[docs] @app.put( "/items/{barcode}/status/{status_name}", response_model_by_alias=False, responses={ 404: { "description": desc_put_404, "model": schemas.Response404, } }, tags=["Digifeeds Database"], ) def update_item( barcode: str, status_name: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db) ) -> schemas.Item: """ Update a digifeeds item. This is how to add a status to an existing item. """ try: db_status = crud.get_status(name=status_name, db=db) except NotFoundError: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Status not found") try: db_item = crud.get_item(barcode=barcode, db=db) except NotFoundError: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found") return crud.add_item_status(db=db, item=db_item, status=db_status)
[docs] @app.delete( "/items/{barcode}", response_model_by_alias=False, responses={ 404: { "description": "Bad request: The item doesn't exist", "model": schemas.Response404, } }, tags=["Digifeeds Database"], ) def delete_item(barcode: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)) -> schemas.Item: try: db_item = crud.delete_item(db=db, barcode=barcode) except NotFoundError: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found") return db_item
[docs] @app.get("/statuses", tags=["Digifeeds Database"]) def get_statuses(db: Session = Depends(get_db)) -> list[schemas.Status]: """ Get digifeeds statuses. Get a list of statuses. """ db_statuses = crud.get_statuses(db=db) return db_statuses